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FUN FIT Existing Member - THURSDAY - LAMBTON - Term 4, 2024
Thu 10 Oct 2024 18:00 — Thu 12 Dec 2024 19:00
Lambton Swimming Pool Awabakal, 102 Durham Rd, Lambton NSW 2299

Basic details

Please note

  • All prices are inclusive of GST.
  • A Fun Fit Fee of $110.00 applies for this event.

Event Waiver

WPNSW Terms and Conditions

Please read the below agreements. By entering/attending a WPNSW Event you must abide by the following terms and conditions.


I authorise the WPNSW Staff to seek medical attention on my behalf if it is deemed necessary, and further authorise the Medical Practitioner, who may examine or treat me, to make full disclosure to WPNSW Staff of any diagnosis or treatment that has been made or prescribed.

I understand there are COVID-19 Safety Plans in place and I must respect the guidlines. 


The Think.Act.Play program was developed by Water Polo Australia and NSW Sport & Recreation to ensure that core values, good reputation, and positive behaviours are maintained. Water Polo NSW fully endorse the program and envisage it to be a cornerstone to the development of the Sport. The key messages that the program aims to promote are:

  • THINK before you speak
  • ACT with respect
  • PLAY in the spirit of the game

This policy is applicable to any stakeholder involved in water polo, including, spectators, athletes, coaches, officials, administrators etc.

This policy is applicable across all contexts to do with Water Polo, WPNSW, and WPNSW stakeholders.

I agree to conduct myself in line with the Think.Act.Play policy.

Promotional/ Media/ Photography & Videography Agreement

I agree to allow WPNSW to use my name and image in any promotional material. This includes media channels, photography and videography.

For Parents:

Water Polo NSW in conjunction with Water Polo Australian Limited is committed to providing a safe, fun and enjoyable environment for all our children and young people to enjoy the sport of water polo. In this regard Water Polo NSW endorses the policy of Water Polo Australian Limited which can be found on the Water Polo Australia website under Policies, Procedures & Reports.

Further to this, Water Polo NSW wish to advise that the following safety checks will be in place to ensure that reasonable control on the use of photographic and video recording equipment is adhered to.

Any parent intending to either photograph or videotape their child/children competing will need to complete the following steps;

  • On arrival at the venue where their child/children is/are competing, the parent will need to register their details. The registering parent will need to produce photographic identification. A driver’s license is suitable.
  • Water Polo NSW expects that all parents join us in partnership to ensure a safe, fun and enjoyable environment for their children to compete in.

Athletes and Social Media

Whilst WPNSW encourages social media use, representatives that engage in social media are encouraged to;

  • Be clear about who you are representing
  • Take responsibility – you are responsible for your content
  • Show respect for the organisations that you represent and for the audience that you engage with via social media channels. It is important to note that when you engage in social media activities – even via your personal accounts, if you identify yourself as a representative of your Club, State or Country (athletes, coach, staff member, etc.) or discuss matters relating to those organisations in a public forum, you may be held accountable for any comments that breech respective policies.


  • Think twice and post once – Do not post anything that you would not want your grandmother to read because once it is in cyberspace it is there forever. You might delete it later but that doesn’t mean it has not been cached (stored) in one of the thousands of search engines that operate on the Internet or has not been forwarded on or copied into someone else’s domain.
  • What might seem amusing and innocent to you at present may not seem so amusing when you are looking to sign a contract or commence employment, or a comment you made about someone comes back to haunt you further down the track.
  • Having 5000 friends on Facebook, 4970 of whom you have never met, is not something to aim for unless you are running your Facebook page as a fan medium rather than a personal page. The safest option is to ensure that your profile on Facebook is set to PRIVATE.
  • Understand that what you say on any social media platform is online and public forever. You are responsible for your content.
  • Only post at times that are accepted by team standards.
  • If you make a ‘mistake’ please own up to it immediately, apologise and be genuine.
  • When commenting as an individual, please use the 1st Person (e.g. I, me, mine).
  • Never reveal any confidential or proprietary information.
  • Never make disparaging or offensive comments, particularly about other countries/States/clubs. Show respect. Stop and think before you post/tweet/send.
  • If you discover any negative comments made about States or its teams please discuss the post with the appropriate person as soon as possible. Use your best judgement and alert the Event Director.
  • Breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action by WPNSW.


This document sets out the terms and conditions which relate to WPNSW Events. Following your registration this Agreement will be in force and you will be bound by its terms and conditions. If you have any questions regarding the content of this Agreement please contact WPNSW as a matter of urgency.

As an Athlete attending a WPNSW event you agree to the following:


a) Be aware of, and adhere to all current standards, rules, regulations and policies of WPNSW and Water Polo Australia (WPA) as amended from time to time. A copy of all policies can be accessed at www.waterpolonsw.org.au and www.waterpoloaustralia.com.au.

b) To fully adhere to the “Player/Athlete Code of Conduct” (Annexure A).

c) To conduct yourself in a proper manner and do all things reasonably necessary to promote the best interests of WPNSW and the sport of water polo.

d) To cooperate with WPNSW representatives (including, players, coaches, managers, officials and staff) including complying with all reasonable directions and instructions of the appointed person/s

f) To disclose to the manager or appointed person any injury that might prejudice your involvement in the intended competition or activity.

g) If you are unable to compete in the intended competition or activity/training session as a result of injury or illness, to accept the coach, manager or appointed person’s decision.

h) To not consume or be under the influence of alcohol or any prohibited substances whilst involved and participating in WPNSW Academy, regardless of your age.

i) To not knowingly or consciously advocate or participate in any illegal activity or be obscene, defamatory or otherwise violate the rights of any person whatsoever whilst representing WPNSW.

j) To not knowingly, recklessly or carelessly do, write or say anything or omit to do anything which in the opinion of WPNSW is likely to bring WPNSW or the sport of water polo into disrepute or cause damage to its officers or employees or any official.

k) You acknowledge that Water Polo is an inherently risky sport and accept all risks involved in training, competing and otherwise participating in activities related to or forming part of the WPNSW squad.

l) You agree to pay the advised program levy when due and payable or otherwise arrange for an approved payment plan with WPNSW in advance of the payment due date. You agree to abide by the Refund Policy of WPNSW.

2. The Player/Athlete acknowledges that he/she is a registered member of WPNSW or one of its affiliate Clubs. Such membership shall be maintained by the Player/Athlete for the Period of Engagement. The Player/Athlete further acknowledges that he/she is not under any suspension from any affiliated organisation and shall notify WPNSW immediately if this changes during the Period of Engagement.


3. The Player/Athlete declares that he/she has not committed any act or omission whereby he/she may have become ineligible to undertake the role.


4. In the event of any breach of the above terms and conditions including breaches of the “Code of Conduct” by the Player/Athlete, the matter shall be determined at the discretion of the WPNSW Management or Program Coordinator, whichever may be applicable for the circumstances. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, the following:


i. Release of the Player/Athlete from the Squad

ii. Exclusion of the Player/Athlete from the competition or program

iii. Referral to Disciplinary Committee of WPNSW (this may be in addition to other sanctions)


5. Any variation or modification of this Agreement is only enforceable if confirmed in writing.

6. All of the provisions, terms and conditions contained herein shall be deemed to be independent and any breach, violation, or failure to enforce, shall affect the validity of any other provision nor be construed to constitute a waiver of any such provision.

7. Any notices to the Player/Athlete from WPNSW may be delivered by email transmission (to email addresses regularly used).

8. This Agreement shall be effective for the Period of Engagement.



  • Adhere to the principles of “Think. Act. Play.” and “Play by the Rules” programs endorsed by Water Polo NSW Incorporated (WPNSW).
  • Respect COVID-19 Safety Plans and guidelines. MUST submit player COVID permission form each day. 
  • Never argue with an official. If you disagree, have your captain, coach or manager approach the official after the competition.
  • Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in any sport.
  • Work equally hard for yourself and/or your team. Your team’s performance will benefit and so will you.
  • Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays whether they are made by your team or the opposition.
  • Treat all participants in your sport as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor.
  • Cooperate with your coach, team mates and opponents. Without them there would be no competition.
  • Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • To neither take nor use non-prescription drugs or stimulants prohibited by Water Polo Australia or WPNSW
  • Accept and be available for random or selective drug testing in accord with Water Polo Australia, WPNSW and the Australian Sports Drug Agency Policy and regulations.
  • Do not knowingly, recklessly or carelessly do, write or say anything or omit to do anything which in the opinion of WPNSW is likely to bring WPNSW or the sport of water polo into disrepute or cause damage to its officers or employees or any Official.