2021 Annual General Meeting

Published Fri 08 Oct 2021

On the 2nd of October 2021 Water Polo New South Wales held it’s 92nd Annual General Meeting. This meeting saw more than just the end of the 2020/21 season but was the closing chapter to one of WPNSW's longest serving presidents. It was at this meeting that our 19th president, Nick Hodgers stepped down from the board of directors.

For the past 7 years, the world of water polo in NSW has known Nick as their president and for 21 years Nick has served our community as more than just a player, coach, and referee but as a director on the board of WPNSW.

Under the guidance and leadership of Nick WPNSW has overcome many challenges and seen so many successes. The sporting environment has changed a lot in Australia, as has the sport of water polo. Through Nick’s leadership and desire to see the best outcomes for NSW we as a community have benefitted immensely and there are not enough words to express the thanks that Nick deserves for what he has done.

It’s hard to list all the achievements Nick has accomplished over the years without publishing a novel but to highlight a couple of things. Through Nick’s involvement on the board of directors WPNSW has secured a 25yr legacy agreement with Ryde Leisure Centre, had successive years of membership and club growth and expansion, continual development of State pathways and opportunities to ensure NSW remains the state everyone else wants to beat, a couple of updates to our constitution, the integration of U12s and junior programs to schools and clubs, and a couple of significant FINA changes to the rules of our sport.

It hasn’t all been smooth sailing for NSW over the past 21 years but thanks to Nick NSW has always come out of tough situations in good shape and under strong guidance. Over just the past few years Nick has seen NSW through the Sports Australia One Sport model that had the potential to undermine water polo in Australia. Nick has seen our sport through two lockdowns due to Covid-19 and while we aren’t yet out of this current one, we are shaping up well to deliver a pact season of competitions, events, and opportunities.

Does this mean we won’t be seeing much of Nick this season? The answer is of course no, you’ll be seeing him around. Nick has always played a much larger role in our sport than just a director and president. Nick is a player, club member, referee, educator, supporter, and spectator. Nick will still be involved with is home club Ryde and you’ll find him playing in the division 2 metro competition on a Tuesday night. You will also likely encounter him with a whistle around his neck on pool deck at division 2, division 1, and junior matches or you just may sit next to him in the stands as he watches and supports his club and family members play.

Outside of his role as President Nick is most well known for his refereeing and has been one of NSW’s top ranked referees for many years now. While Nick is still an active FINA and AWL referee, he has dedicated a lot of his time to the education and development of junior referees. Nick is still passionate in this area and will continue to support NSW officials, if you are an official and get an opportunity to referee alongside or be mentored by Nick, I implore you to make the most of it. Take his feedback on board because you and our sport will greatly benefit because of it.

 It’s hard to properly show the deserved recognition to Nick for all he has done for the sport and for me as I took on the role as CEO in January this year. Nick has been a wealth of knowledge that has empowered me and the team of WPNSW, we will miss him as our president, but we are confidently looking to the future. Nick has left the board in the very capable hands of Suzanne Ramke and with an excellent board of directors behind her WPNSW will continue to be number 1!


Alexander Godbold

