Published Wed 04 Aug 2021

With the lockdown being extended now until the 28th of August (let’s hope not longer!), WPNSW have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Sydney Metro Winter Competition.

Possible Team Entry and Member registration discounts will be discussed and finalised in the near future.

With that being said, we are exploring conducting a similar Return to Sport event as to last year.

Starting from Saturday the 4th of September, we are aiming to hold festival days for each Junior age group and Senior grade where teams will play multiple games on their allocated day or weekend (TBC).

The final format and schedule of these days will be finalised shortly.

As per the last update though, any plans prior to Summer 2021/22 Sydney metro competition are dependent on a roadmap from the Office of Sport and a clear understanding of what the Return to Sport plan will be.

In order for you though to start planning for Summer 2021/22, we expect this season to start on Saturday the 16th of October with the Division 1 Men and Women

In regard to the scheduled National championships, we have been in constant discussions with WPA over the past 4 weeks regarding the upcoming Championships.

The current situation across the East Coast of Australia has caused WPA to make the challenging decision to postpone the upcoming Championships in September.

WPA and all State bodies agree, a National Championships can only occur if all States have the opportunity to be present and compete.

WPA have made the following proposal for the U15, U17 & U19 National Championships:

  • The 15s/17s will be moved from September to mid/late December, still in Adelaide.
  • The 19s have been moved to mid-January still in Perth.
    • The 19s will compete just before the 18s AYC to hopefully reduce costs with having to fly to Perth twice in quick succession.

WPA will be announcing the changes around National Championships after the Olympics have ended.

At this stage, the U14 Development Competition in Hobart is looking unlikely to go ahead with the current climate.

As this is not a Championship and as such may go ahead without NSW however a decision has not been made yet. We understand what a challenging time it is for our athletes and are working towards the best and safest plan of action.
