WPNSW Return to Water Polo Update

Published Mon 27 Sep 2021

Return to Water Polo Update


Today the NSW Government announced their updated “Roadmap to Freedom”, this roadmap doesn’t answer all questions, but it does provide enough detail to begin planning our return to pools and competitions.

Water Polo NSW has always been determined to see the resumption of sport as soon as possible, and like many other organisations has been working tirelessly to plan, prepare, and push for the resumption of community sport. Water Polo NSW is committed to working with our associations and clubs to ensure we all return to the pool as quickly as possible while ensuring we do so in a COVIDsafe and compliant manner.

Please note that the return will not have a one model fits all plan. Every LGA, council, and venue operator will have rules in place that need to be met.

Important Dates

Monday 27th September: Swimming Pools Open

Outdoor swimming pools reopen to vaccinated and un-vaccinated individuals. Each pool will have its own time limits and booking arrangements to follow.

WPNSW will provide swim and drill sets for members to adapt to assist with getting back into water polo.

Monday 11th October: 70% Double Vaccination

Unfortunately, Sport NSW was not successful in lobbying the government for the return of community sport at this stage.

Changes to restrictions from Monday 11th October will allow fully vaccinated individuals:

  • 5 guests at a home (must all be fully vaccinated)

  • Travel outside of LGA’s (not outside of Greater Sydney)

  • 20 people can gather outdoors (not for organised sport)

Regional areas currently out of restrictions, will fall in line with the roadmap from this point.

Monday 25th October: 80% Double Vaccination – Return of Community Sport

This is the date WPNSW suspects team training, competitions, and events can resume for those who are double vaccinated. CovidSafe plans will need to be in place at all training and competition venues, including QR codes for checking in.

Other easing of restriction will include:

  • Unrestricted travel between Greater Sydney and Regional NSW will be permitted

  • Up to 10 visitors will be allowed in a home (not including children 12 and under)

  • Up to 20 people can continue to gather in unregulated outdoor settings

  • Masks will remain mandatory for all indoor premises and settings (not including children 12 and under)

WPNSW expects to find out more information on what is allowed in the next couple of weeks.

2021 Sydney Metropolitan Spring Season

Metropolitan Clubs can begin training and/or trials from Monday 25th October

  • We are planning a 6-week season, starting Saturday 6th November:

    • Division 1 Men and Women - Saturday 6th November

    • Junior Boys and Girls – Sunday 7th November

    • Division 2 Men – Tuesday 9th November

    • Division 2 Women – Wednesday 10th November

  • Eligibility and Grading Rules will be relaxed for the Spring Season

    • Primary purpose of participation and team building. Preparation for the 2022 Sydney Metropolitan Summer Competition

    • We will be sending out a separate document detailing the return to competition including any modified game formats.

    • Athletes will be expected to arrive, play, leave.

Monday 1st December: 90% Double Vaccination

At this milestone those who are un-vaccinated will be allowed to participate in community sport.

Other easing of restriction will include:

  • No limit on the number of visitors to a home

  • Density will shift to one person per 2 sqm for indoor and outdoor settings

  • No limit on the number of people who can attend informal outdoor gatherings

  • Gyms and indoor recreation facilities, including indoor pools, can operate with one person per 2 sqm (uncapped)

  • Masks wearing will be mandatory while travelling on public transport, on planes and at airports, and for front-of-house hospitality workers

  • Mask wearing is not required when outdoors

Please note all dates are guidelines provided by the NSW government. Changes to the above may occur at any time due to guidance from NSW Health or the Office of Sport.


Now is the time to ensure all clubs and associations are setup and ready to receive registrations. The roadmap is showing we will have a summer season filled with training, competitions, events, and opportunities for all members. WPNSW is very excited to find the new Covid ‘norm’ and enjoy a full season for all.


In terms of vaccination and participation, WPNSW are following the advice of the health authorities and the NSW Government, which is that anyone who is eligible for vaccination should get vaccinated without delay.

The NSW Government continues to highlight that those not fully vaccinated once the state hits the 70% mark and again at 80%, will not have the same freedoms as those who are fully vaccinated. WPNSW are not privy to what those freedoms are, but the indication is if you are un-vaccinated you will need to wait until December to begin participating in community sport.

Covid Safe Resources

Office of Sport COVID-19 Information

Sport NSW COVID-19 Sector Resources Library

NSW Government COVID-19 Rules

Getting the ball rolling...

Collectively we can start preparing to get back in the pool, and back to polo…

  • Member registrations can open for the return to community sport end of October.

  • Clubs can start developing COVID Safety Plans with their venues taking into consideration the necessary government and public health requirements to be COVID Safe (please note one plan is required per venue).

  • Clubs can set up their venue QR Codes. Either by applying to have a Service NSW QR code or utilising the revSPORT functionality to track attendance (please note all members must sign in using a Service NSW QR code, either with the venue or with the club).

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact WPNSW via enquiries@waterpolonsw.org.au should you have any questions.

All the best,

The Water Polo NSW Team
